Training and Supervision Group

This Psychodrama Training and Supervision Group meets online every other Wednesday, and is open to new members. We meet twice monthly, at 10:00 a.m. (New York Time) for two and a half hours each time.

This group functions as a training/supervision group for practitioners at various levels.

For the most part we use action methods (sociometry, psychodrama & group psychotherapy), except for presentations covering theories, history and philosophy.

This group focuses on the many aspects of working in action. Participants are engaged in the following:

  • Earning credits toward certification while learning theories and techniques of psychodrama.
  • Systematic learning of the Triadic System (Sociometry, Psychodrama and Group Psychotherapy).
  • Developing close knowledge of working in action—a powerful method, fostering spontaneity and creativity.
  • Adopting the subtle art of transferring the narrative into action.
  • Exploring countertransference issues.

Participation in this group is conducive to expanding professional knowledge and personal growth. For more information, including discounts for students please email  directly.

Jacob Gershoni, LCSW, CGP, TEP, is a psychotherapist with over 40 years experience and is the co-director of the Psychodrama Training Institute of New York. He is a certified trainer, educator and practitioner and a Fellow of the American Society of Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama, and the editor of Psychodrama in the 21st Century: Clinical and Educational Applications (Springer Publishing Co. 2003)

Nan offers individuals supervision, training and consultation privately and in groups.  She also has a CP and TEP Psychodrama Certification Exam Prep Course.  

For more details, contact Nan Nally-Seif at 917-584-1136 or .

Nan Nally-SeifLCSW, DCSW, TEPis a certified Trainer, Educator, and Practitioner of Psychodrama, Sociometry, and Group Psychotherapy who has been a practicing psychotherapist for more than 35 years.  She works with individuals, couples and groups focusing on issues such as addictions, eating disorders, trauma, and interpersonal communication.  Nan is currently an adjunct faculty member at Fordham University, School of Professional and Continuing Studies. In addition, Nan directs all-day Saturday psychodrama workshops, as well as leading weekly personal growth and training groups.  She has held many positions in the psychodramatic community including the Chairperson of the American Board of Examiners in Psychodrama, Sociometry and Group Psychotherapy.  She is the Co-director of the Psychodrama Training Institute and is currently in private practice in New York City.




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