Our Personal Commitment to You

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Founded by Robert W. Siroka, PhD in 1968, the Institute currently offers weekend workshops and on-going groups designed for individual personal growth, as well as comprehensive training in Psychodrama, Sociometry, group psychotherapy and individual psychotherapy for professionals. 

Our group of psychotherapists and certified psychodramatists share a common philosophy. We believe that well-being springs from spontaneity and creativity. We have several goals: First, to help individuals nurture their own spontaneity. Second, to teach professionals the theoretical and practical tools of Psychodrama and Sociometry. Over all, we strive to deepen each person’s capacity to live and work with others.

Through weekly and monthly on-going pyschodrama groups, we invite you to chart your own personal growth and discover how psychodrama can help you live life to its fullest. Our training weekends and supervision groups provide both experiential and didactic learning and are open to psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers and counselors and educators. In addition, our experienced and dedicated staff is available to lead on-site training and demonstrations workshops.

The Psychodrama Institute of New York is affiliated with the Sociometric Institute. To enroll in a course or learn more about psychodrama, please contact us.

Nan Nally-Seif, Dr. Diane Austin, Jaye Moyer Jacob Gershoni, Jacqueline Siroka, and Robert Siroka, Ph.D.

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Psychodrama Institute of New York.

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